Kittens Rehomed

Hi, so sorry for the silence. Currently, I am in Kuching and so are The Paw Printers.

Yes, I exported them out from KL to Kuching (my hometown) but I will write of my experience when I am less lazy. Tonight, I am writing this entry in dedication to my first “rescue”.

It all started with a fellow colleague, who Skype-d me asking if I knew any organisation who are willing to take in kittens. Due to my lack of confidence with S.S.P.C.A, I offered to help her get the kittens homes via Mudah and PetFinder Malaysia. So, I did put up advertisements on PetFinder and Mudah.

They were a handful. They were feisty and hissy.

However, the first couple, went to separate families. One went to a senior of mine from school and the other went home with a fellow colleague. The second couple, ended up being companions to a Pakistani-Malaysia little girl.

The great part is, I can actually keep in touch with these people to “monitor” them 🙂

[Pictures will be inserted soon – I hope]

Will update more laters. I will share my experience exporting The Paw Printers to Kuching from K.L.

But let me warn you, it was long winded and full of false hope and I nearly gave up trying bringing them back to Kuching.

But what matters now, they are in Kuching and living with me 😉

Here is proof:

Kirby on my sister's bed.

Kirby on my sister’s bed.

Curly, the Human